Be careful of what you think Because what you think becomes your words Be careful of your words Because your words become your actions Be careful of what you do Because what you do becomes your character in life Watch your character Because your character becomes your destiny.
It Has Been Said
"Your playing small does not serve the world. By letting our light shine we inspire others to let their light shine. By being liberated our very presence gives others permission to do the same."
Marianne Williamson
Food 4 Thought
You create all of reality from the present moment. Right now feel that you are prosperous and abundant and everything else that is good. You will shed peace on your past and assurance on your future. This peace is wholeness. All mistakes become no mistakes, and all things work for good. Everything is made right in your entire timeline for you to experience success as your outcome.Faith is righteousness. It is the only thing that secures your future with a probable outcome that is truly positive.